Eugenia Cooney Banned

Eugenia Cooney has been banned on Twitch. Speculation as to why the streamer has been booted from the platform arise following the news.

Many point to her alleged “glorification” of eating disorders, saying the “harmful behavior” is against Twitch terms of service:

While you can surely argue that Eugenia doesn’t intentionally glorify her eating disorder, this has been a topic of discussion surrounding her for years.

Last year, a number of social media users took to to sign a petition to remove Eugenia from YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Twitter. The petition closed at 53,162 supporters.

The petition claimed that Eugenia ignores those reaching out to help her and she is  “unwilling to take accountability for her influence and actions”. She refers to those concerned about her low weight as “haters”.

Others, mention a specific incident where Eugenia allegedly and unintentionally flashed the audience on stream:

This incident violates Twitch terms of service:

“For those who present as women, we ask that you cover your nipples. We do not permit exposed underbust. Cleavage is unrestricted as long as these coverage requirements are met.”

–  Twitch, “Nudity, Pornography, and Other Sexual Content” terms of service


At this time, the exact reasoning behind her ban is unclear — but it seems to be a temporary ban:


  • 2/18/22 @ 2:42 PM EST: YouTuber Rich Lux reached out to Eugenia Cooney for a statement regarding the ban. In this statement, she clarified her ban and confirmed the accidental flash rumors to be true.

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