Back on February 17th, 2022, DramaAlert reported that YouTuber Peter Monn was involved in a fatal car accident. Today, April 15th, 2022, Monn took to Twitter and YouTube to update his fans about his situation. On Twitter, Monn shared that he was grateful for the outpouring of support by fans and that their support has helped his recovery immensely.

On YouTube, he shared a more in-depth update regarding his situation. Additionally, he updated fans letting them know that he is able to walk again, but still in pain. Furthermore, he shared that his mouth and rib injuries are healing: “My mouth injuries have healed & my ribs are almost back to normal.” Additionally, Monn also shared other details regarding his trauma and treatment: “Two weeks ago I found out from the results of a cat scan that I have fluid & bleeding on my brain as a result of the trauma.”

Lastly, Monn shared that he plans to return sometime next month, pending the results of a new cat scan. On the topic, Monn again shared his gratitude towards his supporters during his tough recovery.

Peter Monn’s Full YouTube Community Post:

“Hey guys! I know it’s been a really long time but I wanted to stop in and give you an update especially since there’s been a lot of questions. Due to the seriousness of the accident I want to be sensitive to everyone involved and won’t be addressing it in this post but I will talk about it my first video back. I just don’t think it’s fair or does the severity any justice to talk about it in a written statement.

First of all I want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love, compassion and kindness. There have been so many people who have checked in daily, many I have never met, and I want everyone to know truly how grateful I am for the love.

I know many people are wondering how I’m doing so here we go. I am walking again but have some pain in my back but the doctors tell me I will probably always have some sort of pain from now on. That being said I’m able to leave the house and function. I am attending a neurological clinic for my back & they have released me from having to wear my brace daily. My mouth injuries have healed & my ribs are almost back to normal. I am working closely with my neurologist with testing & checkups regularly. Two weeks ago I found out from the results of a cat scan that I have fluid & bleeding on my brain as a result of the trauma. I have another cat scan on Monday & I will find out more about what we do next based on the results. I’ve also been extensively working with a new therapist twice a week for the mental & emotional reaction to the accident.

I’ve missed you all greatly and hope to be back sometime in the next month but that will be determined by the results of the cat scan and what I have to do next. My therapist is encouraging me to come back to YouTube and although I know things will be different I’m hoping to find my way back.

One last thing. I wanted to let you guys know we lost little Tucker last week. He suffered internal bleeding they believe was related to an aggressive tumor and his little body just couldn’t take it. The house is emptier without him but we are giving his brother Boo all the love in the world.

Once again, thank you guys for all the love. It’s amazing to me that there is so much kindness in this world from people we may never meet. I love you guys!”

Peter monn, sharing an update to fans on his YouTube community feed.


Click here to read #DramaAlert’s initial report on Peter Monn’s accident.